Vision, Mission, and Core Values


Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion - Cebu of the Daughters of Charity St. Louise de Marillac Educational System is an audacious Christ-centered educational institution committed to empowering communities of learners into inner-directed Vincentian leaders and advocates of persons who are poor.


At Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion-Cebu, we commit ourselves to:

• Courageously pursue value nnovative educational programs and services anchored in Christ.

• Interdependently accelerate leadership and professional devlopment through continuing education and intensive Vincentian Formation.

• Synergistically facilitate the integral development of the learners towards transformation through current researches, relevant curricular offerings and responsive community extension services.

• Relentlessly generate a new breed of self-directed, global and environmntally caring Vincentian leaders.

• Ardently support on another in sustaining the shared mission.